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Information technology has been one of the major sectors in India today. We can see a lot of IT companies in India with highly driven competition and about 3 million jobs in India are provided by IT companies. Looking at the brighter side of IT revolution in India it is clear that opportunities are numerous for job seekers and IT companies need a hiring consultant to get the best candidates.

Over the years of experience in serving IT companies with the best candidates, Pragati HR solutions remain as best consultancy sector in Bangalore.

We believe in work together, we move along the side of the client and make sure they get the best candidates and contribute for the growth in their business.

We at Pragati HR follow the best selection process to ensure our clients get candidates who work smart for the growth of the company. We meet IT companies to get the requirements of candidates. Our HR professionals go through the database of potential job seekers and get through the enrollment process with those who match the requirements of the client.

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